Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dad's going to my Brothers.

Last night my sister-in-law rang and Dad is going to my brothers for 2 weeks. I can't say how much I am looking forward to this break. It's been 16 months since I have had a break. I need to point out that my sister-in-law has had a very tough year, losing her Mum in June. She also has had the worries of her grieving father to contend with. My nephews have lost 2 Nana's in 2 years.

On my break, my eldest daughter, her hubby and I may go away for a few days together then I hope to spend a week in Tassie, bush walking, canoeing etc. And Dad loves being with my brother and his family, apart form seeing them all, including his grandsons, Dad gets to assist my brother in his shed doing guy things. My brother, growing up, learnt a lot from those hours spent in the garage and I believe now has the nick name MacGyver. Dad misses doing those things.

As a child I used to enjoy spending time with him in the garage, not many girls of my generation could re-wire a fuse (old type of fuse) and it actually came in handy over the years, thanks Dad. So a big thanks to my brother and sister-in-law.

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