Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Early brekky.

Yesterday when I went to pick up Dad from his Tues-day care facility the woman in charge told me that Dad had complained that he was unwell. This has happened before where Dad has been upset and has asked for them to phone me to come get him. Once a chap asked him to be quiet because Dad was talking through a program they were watching and Dad then wanted to come home. So yesterday, she checked his temperature and decided it was an emotional upset and got Dad to have a lay down. After a half hour or so Dad was back up and feeling ok. This, I'm sure was brought on by the tour of the 'disturbing facility'.
Last night, Dad had an episode of incontinence and was up wanting brekky at 4.30 am. He had dressed himself and was yelling that he didn't know what went next...the milk in his cereal.
The incontinence episodes I have found happen of a Tues night after he has been at day care. He drinks too much coffee and misses out on the amount of water he has at home. If it happens again next Tues night I will ask them to only let him have one coffee and the rest needs to be water. I feel like the big bad witch at times but if it means he sleeps more comfy and through the night then so be it. So that coupled with him being upset meant he didn't have a good night.
As I write this I'm noticing he is coughing lots more. I think he may have caught my daughters maybe yesterday he was feeling the beginnings of something coming on.
We have an appointment this arvo for another tour.


  1. Aw, your poor Dad.
    A suggestion for the day-care place is to make sure they are giving him DECAF. We had that issue with my Dad drinking regular coffee, and since it's been shown to be somewhat of a diuretic, they have accidents. My Dad loved soda too so we switched him to only caffeine free and his problem was helped tremendously.

  2. Now why didn't I think of that. Thanks Laine...such an obviuos solution and he can partake as normal. Will ask them next Tues to decaf it for Dad. Thanks again.
