Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Holidays are over.

I returned Sunday from my holiday in Tasmania and feel revitalised and ready for whatever Lewy throws at us. In Tasmania I went on a day cruise across Macquarie Harbour and along the Gordon river. This area is World Heritage listed, it's so beautiful, serene, pristine; total wilderness country. I also did a few other day journeys through wilderness/rainforest areas, soaking up the peace and beauty.

I picked Dad up from the airport yesterday, Tuesday. He had a terrific time at my Brothers. I think he didn't want to come home because he enjoys doing guy things with my Brother and Nephews. I have to thank my Sister-in-Law because I'm sure there may have been times when it would have been difficult for her. It's easier to help with personal things when it's your parent. Monday I got in touch with Dad's Dr's and case assessor. I will be pleased to speak to his Geriatrician about Dad's bowel movements. Dad's case assessor said she recommends for Parkinson patients to eat a Kiwi fruit a day as this helps to soften the stool. So I'm going to cut back on the Senna tablets and give him a Kiwi Fruit a day, plus his prunes and other fruit.
She is also going to bring around a bed stick and drop sheet and show me how to roll Dad in bed, physio moves. She also told me that Dad may be disoriented when he came home. No, thank goodness Dad has settled back in really well. I'm certain that going to my Brothers, a familiar place instead of respite was best for the stage Dad is at. I need to clarify my position regarding respite. If a carer needs to use respite then I'm 100% for it.

Dad has had a good day so far, watching the Australian Open (tennis) with the air conditioner on. Yesterday was 37 and it feels just as hot today. Hopefully a cool change is on its way.


  1. Happy to hear you had a lovely holiday and that your Dad did well over the holidays. It's so easy to get burnt out from caregiving so I'm glad you had some respite time.

  2. Hi there,

    Sorry for using your comments section (I couldn't find a contact email elsewhere). Just thought I'd let you know that I am fellow Australian (my Dad has had early onset dementia for the past 11yrs) and I have a website called Daily Dementia News ( and I've just added your blog as a link there.

    If you have any objection please contact me and I will remove the link.

    Kind regards,


  3. Thanks 'lewybodydementia said...'. Yes it was a relief that all went really well for Dad whilst he was away.

  4. Hi Natalie,

    I just had a look at your site. What a terrific site, so informative. I'm going to go have a read of some of the articles you have listed. And I'm so pleased to see the videos from the Lewy Body Dementia Association. They're so informative. I had watched them on YouTube and found the information regarding Dr's, if they hadn't updated their knowledge may and were prescribing medications which could have major/adverse effects on Lewy sufferers. This is a major concern of mine and needs to be addressed.

    I commend you on the work you have put into your site and how highly informative it is.
