Friday, February 13, 2009

Victoria's Bush Fires.

It has been an awful, awful week. The bush fires in my state of Victoria have been beyond comprehension. The town of Marysville, gone. So many small townships, gone. So much devastation.

The day of the fires Dad wanted to go help fight the fires. When I told him he couldn't go...he cried.

No major changes with Dad. He is a bit depressed, sleepy and slightly more confused but that's understandable this awful week. This afternoon Dad has an appointment to get his B12 shot. I find that he gets a lift from the B12.

Let's hope that next week with hotter weather and stronger winds on the way that the bush fires that are still burning don't threaten any more lives.


  1. Oh my gosh! When I've been seeing all the news coverage about the fires, I was hoping you were nowhere near them. It's horrible. So. Cal has been burning like that at the end of each summer and each year the state acts like it snuck up on them again...totally unprepared. Hubby's been a Firefighter since 1998 and he said he would love to be there helping. Too bad it doesn't work that way, I hope there is some respite in sight. With that heat you were talking about, things must be bone dry, that's not good.
    All my best to you. Keep us updated, please, so we know you're okay.

  2. It must be horrible there! Poor Dad--wanting so badly to help but he can't. It's probably very frustrating to him.
    I hope the horrendous weather/fires are over soon. I'll be thinking of you both!

  3. We've been following the news coverage and are just devestated to see what is happening in Victoria. We're all pulling for you guys over here... it's on the news all of the time.

    I hope you and your family are safe and continue to stay safe.

    All the best to you and all Aussies dealing with the bush fires.

  4. Thankyou, life with lewy, assistedliving and lewybodydementia.

    We aren't near the fires. We're about 20 mins drive from St Andrews, 30-40 mins from King Lake and we're in the burbs, so we are safe.

    It's been absolutely heart warming to see how people from all over have rallied to support the bush fire victims including the wild life, live stock and pets.

    'life with lewy' I can understand why your husband would want to be here. The fire fighters have such a wonderful camaraderie, to help each other and others, they're truly selfless.

    Many people are still on alert, one chap (tv coverage) evacuating 4 times in the past week, so much fear and stress.

    The weather for the coming week is looking reasonably favourable. Temps-24-28. No extreme heat with some possible showers and from what I can see no northly winds. Let's hope for some decent rain.
