Saturday, February 7, 2009

Appointments with the Geriatrician and Neuroscientist

Thursday morning Dad saw the Geriatrician and the Neuroscientist and my daughters left for a month in Japan.

The Geriatrician was concerned when I explained about Dad's pre-xmas flare up of his Parkinson's symptoms. He said he may have admitted Dad to hospital. Knowing, from when Dad stayed overnight in hospital for his sleep study and observation due to chest pains, he becomes very disorientated and agitated. Plus that the Neuroscientist said that the Parkinson's medication can increase the confusion, disorientation and hallucinations (which Dad doesn't have). I understand that getting the balance is the desired outcome. To maintain mobility and pain management, on one hand with the least increase of the confusion etc on the other.
The Neuroscientist commented that Dad's mobility at present is good. To be honest, I am pleased Dad wasn't hospitalised at this stage. It is only in hindsight that I can say it was fluctuation. I wonder if Dad had have been hospitalised, and disorientated and confused with the stay plus if he was given medication, would he be doing as well as he is. Do dr's medicate too early?

Late last year Dad had a PET scan and the Neuroscientist had the results. It confirmed her diagnosis of Lewy Body Dementia and Alzheimers and she mentioned that he doesn't metabolise the glucose in his brain. She also asked if Dad would participate in a trial of an ALZHEIMERS VACCINE! I only have an overview of the trial as I will be contacted soon with the details. What I do know is that the trial will go for 18 months and requires Dad to have a monthly injection. Let's hope that one day there is a break through in prevention.

Also found out that Dad's overnight stay in hospital for a trial of a CPAP mask to help with his severe sleep apnea is to happen soon. I will be staying with him. If Dad can handle the CPAP the Geriatrician is hoping that Dad will sleep better and have less confusion. I hope so too but hope that Lewy isn't too far advanced for Dad to gain any benefits.

Dad is doing ok but again we are gearing up for 44 degrees plus extreme wind so we are house bound. Boredom, I'm sure increases Dad's confusion. Last night he awoke and was rambling how he had to find something and sell it. And some of the time, he has no idea if it's morning or night.
The coming week's forecast is for in the 20's so will get Dad out and about.


  1. Hope this finds you well. This is the first time I've heard about the Alzheimers vaccine trial. Do you have any info which you could share or is there a website which shows more?

    Thanks.............David Thomas

  2. Hello David,

    Sorry not to have answered sooner.

    I haven't been contacted as yet about the trial but when I do I will post about it and email you what I know.

    lots of best wishes
